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Soluzioni per il contenimento del rumore: convegno ad Arenzano (Genova) il 6 giugno 2014 – evento conclusivo del progetto Life NADIA
Soluzioni per il contenimento del rumore: convegno ad Arenzano (Genova) il 6 giugno 2014 – evento conclusivo del progetto Life NADIA
Il prossimo 6 giugno 2014 si terrà, presso l’Auditorium di Fondazione MUVITA ( ad Arenzano (GE) l’evento finale del progetto Life 09 NADIA, con il patrocinio dell’Associazione Italiana di Acustica, sul tema: “Soluzioni per il contenimento del rumore: dalla mappatura all’azione”.
Il programma del convegno prevede due sessioni, una mattutina ed una pomeridiana: scarica il programma
La partecipazione è gratuita, occorre però iscriversi compilando il modulo, che va inviato alla Provincia di Genova entro il 30 maggio (e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it oppure a mezzo fax 010 54 99 821.
Workshop Vicenza - Marzo 2013
Please be informed that on the 14th March 2013 in Vicenza the workshop about noise mapping took place. Slides of presentations made by the Province of Bolzano, Municipality of Vicenza and CIRIAF are available for downloading in the download section of the web site.
Please be informed that the “Deliverable 4” is available for downloading in the download section of the web site, titled “Noise reducton Action Plans”.
The document contains the action plans according to UNI/TR 11327:2009 italian rules with identification of crtical areas and possible noise reduction measures.
NADIA public meetings
Next step of NADIA project is the development of the action plans for noise reduction. They will contain critical areas as individuated with the acoustic maps, priority intervention sites and the schedule of the foreseen activities.
The arrangement of the action plans is carried out through public sharing: three public meetings will take place in two different tonws, for the presentation and discussion:
- during the first meeting there will be a general presentation of the action plans and the results of the acoustic maps with particular attention to the critical areas individuated
- in the second meeting possible interventions of noise reduction will be presented and discussed
- final meeting
For the Province of Genoa, the first public meetings are scheduled as following:
- on Wednesday 30th January 2013 at 3 p.m. in the Sala Consiliare of Municipality of S. Colombano Certenoli, for the local roads n. 33, 225, 333 and 523;
- on Thursday 31st January 2013 at 3 p.m. in the Sala Consiliare of Municipality of Ronco Scrivia, for the local road n. 35.
Mayors are kindly invited to attend the meetings as well as inhabitants and stake holders in general.
Acoustic seminar for Municipalities and Environmental Protection Agency employees.
On the 14th June 2012 was held at the Auditorium of MUVITA Foundation in Arenzano (Genoa) the acoustic seminar addressed to technical and administrative staff in force to the Municipalities of the Provinces of Genoa and Savona and of ARPAL (Ligurian Regional Agency for Environmental Protection).
The main topic of the seminar was about legal application of noise laws.
About 30 people took part at the seminar, 22 belonging to Municipalities and 8 to ARPAL.
Provinces of Genoa and Savona completed noise mapping of provincial roads.
The two Provinces, as manager of the local roads in their territory, have completed
the editing of the noise mapping for the main roads (that is with traffic flow over 3.000.000 vehicles/year).
The processing was performed according to the Legislative Decree no. 194/2005 (END enforcementin Italy) and it is the preliminary step for the action plans.
Some of the noise mapping have been developed within NADIA project, with CIRIAF
contribution, as partner of the project.
Province of Genoa noise mapping is available for downloading on the web site , section “Ambiente e Territorio” – “Rumore”.
Province of Savona noise
mapping is available for downloading on the web site
Survey report
Please be informed that the first Survey Report of NADIA project is available for downloading in the download section of the web site (with annexes 1-5).
The document contains collections of data related to noise level of infrastructures in the project areas, population distribution, meteorological condition, characteristics of the ground.
Further subjects of the report are: data collection on
noise annoyance, analysis of propagation models, different kinds of innovative
barriers for primary school and kindergarten outdoors areas.
City of Prato: the new partner in NADIA project
On March 7th, 2012 the City of Prato has formally joint NADIA
Prato showed its interest in joining NADIA activities since last summer and
took part to the main events held in October and in January during the International
Symposium in Florence, but only recently the European Commission formalized its
Prato activities in NADIA project will be arrangement of noise mapping and
draw up of acoustic plans for a large urbanized area of its territory.
Noise Management in urban areas: 24 January 2012 an appointment in Florence
The next 24 January 2012 in Florence will be held the International Conference " Noise
Management in Urban Areas", organized by the City of Florence.
The initiative is an opportunity to take stock of the main aspects related to the theme of urban noise: the legal situation, mapping techniques, intervention strategies.
During the conference three Life projects will be presented: Hush, Quadmap and Nadia.
The conference, which is divided in two sessions (morning and afternoon), will provide a useful opportunity to compare real experiences from different regions of the European Union.
The programme can be downloaded from the download section.
For registration details, please visit
Study day on environmental acoustics
On 14 October 2011 was held at the Auditorium of the Muvita Foundation the fourth study day on environmental acoustics, organized by the Province of Genoa and Muvita Foundation.
The conference, as in the previous editions, has had the goal to promote contact and discussion between different stakeholders in the acoustic field. It was attended by about one hundred people, providing the occasion to take stock of the activities of NADIA Life project. In particular, were presented the preliminary results of the noise mapping of some provincial roads in the provinces of Genoa and Savona and a pilot study involving two schools in the town of Vicenza.
Among other issues discussed at the conference, thanks to the participation of technicians and experts from Liguria and other regions, there were noise monitoring on roads, highways, ports and industries; techniques for noise mapping, experiences on noise abatement in industrial plants and insights into the legislation.
At the conference were also presented some results of the Project Life HUSH on the harmonization of strategies for reducing noise in urban areas.
Presentations about NADIA project can be downloaded from the download area.
Milestone 1
Please be informed that the “Milestone 1” is now available for downloading in the NADIA project web site.
The document “Data quality and quantity with regards to model specifications” contains the requirements and specifications of data collected and used by partners for acoustic mapping.
Training seminar in environmental acoustics – Arenzano (Genoa) 14.06.2011
As part of the training activities, the Office of Energy and Noise of the Province of Genoa hosted a study day dedicated to the improvement of environmental noise. The training was attended by the Municipalities of the Province of Savona and Genoa and officers from ARPAL – The Ligurian Regional Agency for Environmental Protection.
Among the topics discussed, the NADIA project presented with specific reference the roads affected by the project. Special emphasis was also given to the methodologies applied for its realization.
NADIA project was presented at the 38° National Conference of the Acoustical Society of Italy-A.I.A. 2011
The dissemination activities of NADIA go on.
At the recent Conference organised at Rimini by the Acoustical Society of Italy, CIRIAF – NADIA partner- has presented the article “ NADIA project: Noise Abatement Demonstrative and Innovative Actions and Information to the Public”. The article stated the project objectives and actions foreseen.
The presentation raised considerable interest among industry insiders.
The article is published in the AIA Conference Proceedings.
Tavola rotonda 8 Aprile 2011
Il giorno 8 Aprile presso l’Aula Magna della Facoltà di Ingegneria di Perugia, in concomitanza con l’undicesimo Convegno Nazionale del CIRIAF, si è tenuta una tavola rotonda pubblica per divulgare i contenuti ed i primi risultati del progetto NADIA; nella stessa occasione sono stati presentati i principali contenuti del nuovo bando LIFE+ 2011 ed illustrato il progetto LIFE+ HUSH anch’esso riguardante il rumore ambientale.
Scarica il volantino con programma
Nella fotogallery sono disponibili immagini dell’evento pubblico e del meeting fra i partner del progetto NADIA che ha preceduto la tavola rotonda.
08/04/2011 - XI National Congress CIRIAF
On April 8, will be held at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Perugia, the eleventh edition of the Conference on "Sustainable Development, Environmental Protection and Human Health", which in recent years has seen an increase in participation of qualified scientists and experts (engineers, physicists, chemists, architects, doctors, economists) from the world of research, from ministries, local authorities and environmental agencies.
During this edition will be held the first meeting of the national working group on traffic noise and a public round table, will also be issued the call for a scholarship in memory of its founder Mauro Felli addressed to graduates, PhD students or researchers who have carried out significant research in the field of physical agents and the effects it generates.
For further information