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Project Activities and Scheduling

Project Activities and Scheduling

The NADIA project includes five phases:

  1. Survey: using questionnaires and propagation models to gather data on the photometric measurements, population distribution, meteorological conditions, soil characteristics
  2. Noise mapping: processing data and noise maps made ​​in accordance with the Good Practice Guide 2007 and Legislative Decree no. 194/05;
  3. Action plans: the establishment of small local working groups involved in the drafting of the Action Plans (participatory approach)
  4. Noise abatement demonstrative actions: identification of the best noise remediation solutions which will be also presented at meetings and demonstration lessons to pupils
  5. Dissemination: dissemination and presentation of the project and its results through a website and events.

The detailed schedule of all steps is available here.

Life Province of Genoa Province of Savona Town of Vicenza Town of Prato CIRIAF

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